Prongo connects you with the best delivery drivers nearby.
Deliver faster with the less hassle
Reduce Costs
Save up to 70% when compared with owning and managing your own fleet.
Save time
With average delivery times less than 55 minutes, delivery has never been faster.
Deliver Anytime Anywhere
Whenever and wherever you're delivering goods to your customers or loved ones, bank on Prongo to deliver.
Get a Quote in Seconds
Pricing is determined based on urgency, volume and distance of the delivery.
How It Works?
Request a delivery in a few clicks, Delivery has never been easier.
Your Delivery Partner for Better Business
World-class delivery management technology, our extensive driver network and you, working together to deliver an exceptional experience for your customers.
Focus on yours core business, and let us handle the stress of deliveries. Prongo is the platform for e-commerce door-to-door deliveries.
Prongo's technology helps Manufacturer's and Distributors to optimize their logistics, bringing down the cost of moving your goods
Payment, Pricing, and platform options tailored for yours buisness
Strict On-Boarding Ensure We Only Work With The Best
We have a strict on-boarding process to ensure our drivers are the right fit for our brand and yours.
Simple & Easy
One and easy to use platform for all your delivery needs
What Our Customers are Saying
Prongo has been a massive help for our business. The team, drivers and technology has helped us grow and exceed our customers expectations.
Faizan Zafar
We’ve found that working with Prongo has been easy and productive. The capability of their technology is agile and flexible. The team are open, helpful and responsive to the needs of our business.
Aslam Iqbal
Driver went above and beyond – Very polite and understanding of an urgent and not straight forward delivery.